Third Reich Propaganda Ministry Official Film:”Der Ostbau in der Erzeugungsschlacht” (“The East Building in the Battle of Production”)


The film case has on it the embossed insignia of the “Deutsche Landwerbung”, a part of the Propaganda Ministry in the Third Reich. The film title, according to the label on the case, is “Der Ostbau i.d. Erzeugungs Schl.”. On the lid of the case is a label reading “Kopien bitte nicht zuruckspulen” (“Please do not rewind copies”). The metal reel on which the film was wound has the designation of “Reichsstelle fur den Unterrichtsfilm” (“Reich Office for Educational Film”). The metal canister containing the film has the name of the Siemens Company. Very good condition.


Item Number: 75450 Category: