SS Overcoat Wool Armband with RZM Tag


A wide and long wool Third Reich armband with a separately applied white circle and separately applied swastika. The armband has unsewn ends and is 19 3/4 inches long by 4 1/2 inches wide. The back has the SS RZM paper tag that is found on SS armbands. These wool SS armbands without the normally seen black border stripes are a known entity in the collecting community, although their actual significance is unknown. Some collectors believe that they were used in this form by the SS in some way that has not yet been determined, while others believe that these armbands represent unfinished examples of the standard SS armband, before the black stripes were sewn to the upper and lower edges. This armband is in excellent condition, showing a few relatively unobtrusive spots but no damage and no moth effects.


Item Number: 19984 Category: