Official War Crimes Trials Photographs Set of High Command General Staff Officer Walter Warlimont


Each of the two photographs is approximately 1-3/4 inches by 3 inches. In October 1948, Warlimont was tried before a United States military tribunal in the High Command Trial, part of the Subsequent Nuremberg Trials. He was convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment, in part for his responsibility for drafting the Barbarossa Jurisdiction Order which allowed the murder of civilians on the pretext of counteracting partisan activity. He also signed the order to execute Russian political Commissars on sight. His sentence was reviewed by the “Peck Panel”, which made a more lenient recommendation. This leniency was heavily criticized by Robert R. Bowie who stated: “they [Reinecke, Kuechler and Warlimont] were all directly implicated in the program which encompassed the murder of commandos, commissars and captured allied airmen as well as in brutal mistreatment of prisoners of war”. His sentence was commuted to 18 years in 1951. He was released in June 1954.

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