Large Portrait Photograph of Luftwaffe Generalleutnant Friedrich von Arnauld de la Perière


The image depicts the General in Luftwaffe General’s single breasted uniform jacket with decorations.

The photograph is approximately 6 3/8 by 9 inches in size. It is a photographer’s “proof” image, bearing the photographer’s stamp. The “proofs” would have been sent to General von Arnaud de la Periere to select the images that he wanted from the photographer, specifying the sizes and quantities. Born in 1888, General von Arnaud de la Periere began his military service in 1906 as an officer candidate of the Kriegsmarine, and he became a Naval aviator in 1913. The first bombs that fell on England in World War I were dropped by von Arnaud de la Periere. In January of 1915 he piloted the first plane to be launched from a submarine. In December of 1915 the seaplane that he was piloting developed engine trouble and went down, at which point he was picked up by a French ship and became a prisoner of war. He continued serving in Naval Aviation until 1935 when he transferred to the Luftwaffe, In 1937 he served as Reichsluftsportführer, in command of all aviation sport activities in the Third Reich. In July of 1939 he was Commander of Luftzeuggruppe 17 based in Vienna, retiring in April of 1944. General von Arnaud de la Periere died in 1969, having been decorated with the 1914 Iron Cross first and second class, the 1939 Iron Cross, second class, and being a recipient of the Third Reich pilot badge.

The photograph is in excellent condition.

Item Number: 38363 Category: