Boxed Group of 1944-1945 Winterhilfswerke Winter Relief Donation Gifts
The cardboard box contains approximately 100 ceramic donation tokens which were intended to be given to Germans who placed a monetary donation in the collection tins of the Winter Relief Drive of 1944-1945. The tokens are formed in the representation of the constellations, with some having pin backs and some having string attachments so that they could be worn from a button. The tokens are still packed within their original cardboard box, with sections of original tissue as padding. Some of the tokens have become separated from their pin backs or strings. Each token measures approximately 1 inch long or 1 inch wide, depending upon its orientation. Quite obviously there are many duplicates within the group, for these tokens are just as they were packed in 1944, when the box was intended to have been given to the individuals who were on the street collecting for the WHW (usually Hitler Youth members, or often SA or SS men). The lid of the box bears the designation of “Reichsstraßensammlungen des Winterhilfswerke 1944/45” (“National Collection for Winter Relief 1944/45”). One end of the lid has the designation of “Vertriebstelle des Winterhilfswerke Gau Baden” (Sales Office of the Winter Relief Gau Baden).