Infantry Hauptmann Waffenrock Dress Uniform with Tunic and Trousers


The uniform is comprised of the white piped waffenrock parade dress tunic and the white piped slate gray trousers. The tunic shoulder boards identify the owner as a Hauprmann of the 41st Infantry Regiment, which later became Grenadier Regiment 41 and, later, Panzer Grenadier Regiment 41, a component of the 10th Panzer Grenadier Division. The tunic has a single remaining loop on the upper left breast for a ribbon bar or short medal bar, with one loop gone. The lower left breast has a set of loops for the wear of a badge or a decoration. Underneath the right shoulder board is a button for wear of the officer dress aiguillette. The uniform is exceptionally clean, without holes, damage or repairs, and the uniform makes a very impressive appearance.

Item Number: 77229 Category: